How to Remove Lime Build up in a Porcelain Sink

     How to Remove Lime Build up in a Porcelain Sink


    The white chalky buildup that sometimes appears on a porcelain sink results from minerals in the water. Lime deposits result from calcium and other minerals in hard water, which leave behind a residue that dries hard and makes an otherwise clean sink look dirty. Porcelain enamels are durable but they are susceptible to scratches from harsh abrasives. Removing hard water stains requires cleaners that break down the minerals without scratching or etching the porcelain surface.


    Fill a bowl with hot water and a mild detergent. One or two squirts of detergent per quart of water is sufficient.


    Wipe out the sink with the soapy solution and soft sponge or cleaning rag. Scrub lightly to remove as much surface dirt as possible. Rinse the sink with clear water and wipe dry with a soft towel.


    Combine two parts baking soda with one part white vinegar to make a paste. Baking soda provides an abrasive strong enough to cut through hard water marks but is mild enough that it won't scratch the porcelain surface.


    Rub the paste onto the hard water marks. Allow it to stand for five minutes to allow the vinegar and soda to soften the mineral deposits.


    Scrub the stains gently with a lightly moistened sponge. Rinse the paste from the sink with clear water.


    Wipe the sink dry with a clean towel, buffing it to a light shine. Drying the sink after each use prevents further hard water buildup.

    Things You Will Need

    • Mild detergent

    • Sponge

    • Towels

    • White vinegar

    • Baking soda


    Warm water and ammonia or an ammonia-based cleaner cuts through soap scum on porcelain. Do not mix ammonia cleaners with those containing bleach.





    by Jenny Harrington, Demand Media 


    Source:  SFGate